Small Groups
Life can be challenging, don’t do it alone. Join a small group!
Connect Groups
Connect Groups are weekly small groups where relationships with each other and with God are nurtured. Connect Groups use Connect Guides, which are original guides based on our weekly sermons and seasonal sermon series, as the basis for conversation and study. Each guide is user-friendly and provides everything you need to lead or participate in a group. Find your sense of belonging in a Connect Group!
Open Meeting Hours
Sunday 10:15 am: In-person with Zoom option
Monday 6:15 pm: In-person with zoom option
Tuesday 11 am: Ladies’ group, Zoom only
Wednesday 6 pm: Zoom only
Thursday 7 pm: In-person only
Listen to the stories of Jackie and Sophia about their Connect Group experiences!
Weekly Connect Guides
Mom’s Group | Sunday 10:15 AM | Room 305 | Leader: Kimberly Heckert (In-person with Zoom option) *Childcare is available
Parents of Differently Abled Children | Monthly Meeting on Sunday at 7 PM (September - June) | Felton Parlor | Leader: Heather Fizur
Spiritual Practices
Lectio Divina is the ancient spiritual practice of praying Holy Scripture to listen to the sacred text with hearts open to God’s voice through reading, reflection, and contemplation. Currently, we are reflecting on the Book of Acts.
Tuesday 8 AM | Leader: Pastor JiSun Yang (Zoom only)
Centering Prayer includes sharing of prayer concerns, readings and silent and spoken prayer together for about a half hour.
Thursday 8 AM | Leader: Pastor Chris Heckert (Zoom only)
Study Groups
We offer a number of open study groups each week.
Koinonia Class
Sunday 9 AM | Leader: Jean Jules (In-person with Zoom option in the Felton Parlor, off the Sanctuary entrance hallway)
“Great Passages” by Rev. Dr. Bill McElwee, Masks requested, All are welcome!
Christian Round Table
Sunday 9 AM | Room 304 | Leader: Dennis Van Name (In-person with Zoom option), All are welcome!
Zoom Bible Study
Monday 10 AM (except the Second Monday of the Month) | Leader: Elizabeth Berry (Zoom only)
Women’s Early Bird Bible Study
Thursday (September - May) 8:30 AM | Leaders: Shirley Landgraf and Eloise Douglas (Zoom only)
Men’s Thursday AM Bible Study
Thursday 9 AM | Leader: Shelly Williams, Rev. Bill McElwee (Zoom only)