Sunday, September 22, 2024

8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Visit the fair after your worship service to discover ministries to serve in and small groups to join!

* The Ministry Fair will pause during the 9am Modern Worship service but will be available before and after the service.

Find Ministries to Serve

Mission Ministries

Through serving those who are hurting, we get out of our self-focused position, and we allow God to show up in unexpected ways. We offer a variety of hands-on mission opportunities for people of all ages to have mission experiences that will meet the needs of our community and the world and help people experience God’s love.

  • HUMC Mission Team serves various ministry projects by organizing and leading them.

    What to Expect: The sub team meets bi-monthly.

  • The HUMC Diversability team seeks to build our community into an inclusive and welcoming space for all. The team hosts a variety of social activities for the special needs community.

    What to Expect: The team meets bi-monthly and participates in five events a year.

  • HUMC Green Team partners with individuals and communities to respond to current climate changes through intentional Creation Care.

    What to Expect: The team meets bi-monthly for meetings, with occasional special events, such as mission projects, book studies, and film screenings.

  • We partner with our mission partner, Building Up Los Cocos, Dominican Republic, to build relationships with a local community and provide them with resources to be successful. HUMC sends a mission team every February to help build houses and deliver school supplies.

Children’s Ministry

Our Children's Ministry, HUMC Kids, is a great area of ministry if you love kids and want to help them grow on their faith journey.

  • HUMC Kids Sunday School is a program being offered on Sunday between 9 am and 10 am for children ages 3 through 5th grade.

    What to Expect: Teaching one of the Sunday School classes as a teacher or a sub between 9 am and 10 am once or twice a month.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

  • Children's worship is offered at 10:30 am every Sunday. This is a one-room class for children aged 3 through 5th grade.

    What to Expect: Helping, leading, or supporting a class once or twice a month

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

  • Trunk or Treat & Fall Festival is an annual event that serves the community by providing a safe place for trick-or-treating. This outdoor event features decorated trunks to give out candies, pumpkin painting, and food. This year's Trunk or Treat will be on Saturday, October 26, 2024, between 2 pm and 3:30 pm. The rain date is Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 3-4:30 pm.

    What to Expect: You can host a trunk to give out candy, help with event setup, help with pumpkin painting, or serve food with our hospitality team.

  • HUMC Vacation Bible School is a week-long free program for children ages 3 through 5 grade in our local community. The next VBS in 2025 is Monday, August 11 through Friday, August 15 from 9 am to 12 pm each day.

    What to expect: Various roles are available, from teaching classes, chaperoning, and assisting with other duties.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

Student Ministry

HUMC Student Ministry is a vibrant group of middle school and high school students. The Youth Group gathers every Sunday from 6 - 8 p.m. and offers summer mission trips and various retreats throughout the year. We need Youth leaders to help with Sunday gatherings and chaperones for the trips.

  • HUMC Youth is a program for middle school and high school students that is offered on Sundays between 6 pm and 8 am. We need leaders to help with Sunday gatherings.

    What to Expect: Planning and making Sunday youth gatherings fun and safe.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

  • Our youth program offers summer mission trips and several retreats throughout the years. The next upcoming retreat is "IGNITE" in Wildwood, NJ, between Friday, October 11 - Sunday, October 13, 2024.

    What to Expect: Traveling with students as a chaperone.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

Music Ministries

There are several music ensembles at HUMC that are always looking for new participants! Singers and ringers at HUMC love the music they work on, but even more so, they love each other. The choirs and ensembles here are really a church within a church, with close bonds and friendships beyond Sunday. If you love to make music and crave connection with fun and dedicated people, this ministry is for you!

  • A robust intergenerational ensemble that leads our Traditional Worship Service at 10:30 am on Sundays through hymn-singing and the performance of sacred music across a variety of traditions.

    What to Expect: Rehearsals are Thursday nights from 8:15-9:30 PM, plus 10 AM warm-ups on Sundays.

  • The Holtz Handbell Choir offers a strong focus on fellowship and musical growth while preparing music to present in worship and during occasional special events throughout the year.

    What to expect: Rehearsals are Monday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM.

  • This 60 member choral ensemble performs masterworks with an orchestra made up of members of the Philadelphia Orchestra and friends twice a year.

    What to Expect: Rehearsals are Thursday nights from 6:30-8 PM.

  • The worship team is made up of volunteer vocalists and instrumentalists who prepare worship music for our 9 AM Modern Worship Service on Sundays.

    What to Expect: Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 PM.

Caring Ministries

We seek to provide meaningful care, whether you are a first-time visitor or a long-time member so that all know that they are loved by God and our community.

  • HUMC Visitation Ministry provides frequent visitation of those in our community who are shut-ins or residents of long-term care facilities, or who have experienced a recent birth or death of a family member. This is done in order to supplement pastoral visitation. Volunteers will receive training and support and will have a regular feedback mechanism to relay important information to the pastors.

    What to Expect: There are various ways for you to participate in the Visitation Ministry. You may write cards or make phone calls and occasionally deliver Altar Flowers. Most importantly, we ask you to make regular visits where you will make personal contact, sharing your love of Christ and care for your care receiver.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

  • Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Stephen ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ's love and care to people during a time of need.

    What to Expect: Volunteers to be a Stephen Minister must complete a bi-yearly initial training course, and once they are commissioned, they must attend a monthly continuing education/supervision meeting to stay active in the program. When assigned a care receiver, they are asked to meet with that person for an hour each week to listen to and care for the emotional and spiritual needs of the care receiver.

    *All volunteers with children, youth, and vulnerable adults require Safe Sanctuary Policy training and background checks.

  • HUMC Check-In ministry is a way for those who live alone or with others unable to call for help to feel safer by checking in daily.

  • Our prayer ministry is vital to our congregation as we share in each other’s blessings and burdens through the gift of prayer. We engage in this ministry through a regularly updated prayer list, a prayer chain, and the on-going prayers of pastors and staff to lift up our cares to God.

    What to Expect: The prayer ministry team meets twice a month on Wednesday at 9:15 am.

Hospitality Team

The HUMC Hospitality Team helps everyone feel welcome and find a sense of community by noticing people, offering personal attention, and providing excellent follow-up. HUMC's hospitality team consists of the Check-in Station Team, the Ushering Team, the Cafe Team, and the Follow-up Team.

  • The Check-in Station Team greets people at each service in the Welcome Center on Sundays and helps newcomers feel welcome. They help people check in on the iPad when coming in, and newcomers fill out information sheets and give them a welcome cup.

    What to Expect: Serve once or twice a month.

  • Ushers greet people at the entrance of the worship space, hand out the program before the service, and collect offerings during the service.

    What to Expect: Once or twice a month with a team in your preferred service

  • Cafe Team serves Sunday morning breakfast and various events with food on a need basis. The team leader invites and organizes the team for each event, including weddings, funerals, family events in children’s ministry, community outreach events, or conference-related events.

  • HUMC Follow-Up Team seeks to reconnect with people who have been disengaged in the life of the church for a certain period of time by making phone calls or sending cards.

    What to Expect: Monthly meeting online, contact with assigned people between meetings

Floral Arts Guild

Floral Arts Guild is a vital ministry that decorates worship spaces on Sundays and during the Christmas and Easter seasons. The team offers floral arrangement classes for church worship services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and special celebrations.

  • The Floral Arts Guild mission is to glorify God and delight the congregation through artistic floral arrangements and the decorative arts. We visually interpret the Gospel of Jesus Christ using the natural beauty that occurs in creation.

    New volunteers are always needed and welcome! You do not have to be a member of Haddonfield UMC to be a volunteer in our Floral Arts Guild. Please contact us anytime!

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith is a community of women whose purpose is to know God, to create a supportive fellowship, and to support missions locally, nationally, and globally.

  • United Women in Faith gathers for monthly luncheons and organizes with three fellowship circles. We focus on mission and learning.

    What to Expect: Come and join the luncheons and join mission projects.

  • This is a big fundraiser event to support the mission of the church and beyond. This year, it begins on Thursday, September 26, 5-6 PM, Friday, Septmeber 27, 9 AM-5 PM, and Saturday, 9 AM - 12 PM.

Digital Ministry

The Digital Ministry Team runs and helps maintain the technology used in and around the church to meet people where they are for worship and events. We accomplish this through producing in-person and live-streamed worship, concerts, and other events; through documenting worship and events with photography and videography; and through creating worshipful and inviting spaces in person and online. Members of our team learn how to use the church's presentation, lighting, sound, and camera equipment to ignite passionate faith, build up the next generation of faithful leaders, and engage the hurts and needs of the world around us.

  • Sound Engineers

    Lighting Technicians

    Camera Operators

    Graphics Operators

    Live-stream Moderators

  • We also serve the same functions for weddings, funerals, concerts, and special events. These happen outside of regular Sunday worship hours.

Find Small Groups to Join

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are weekly small groups where relationships with each other and with God are nurtured. Connect Groups use Connect Guides, which are original guides based on our weekly sermons and seasonal sermon series, as the basis for conversation and study.

Grace Groups

Grace groups consist of about 4-8 people and exist for the purpose of growing in grace and watching over one another in love. These groups meet regularly (in person or online) to share their faith journey by answering a few simple questions about how their faith journey is going, where God is moving in their lives, and what challenges they are working through.

Support Groups

Support groups are centered around particular issues and life-circumstances. We are seeking to form additional support groups as needs arise.

Spiritual Practices

We need each other to grow in faith. Lectio Divina is held online on Tuesday at 8 am, and Centering Prayer meetings are held online on Thursday at 8 am. Both are available for your spiritual growth.

Adults Bible Studies

Christian Roundtable

Christian Roundtable is an adult Sunday School class offered on Sunday at 9 am in Room 304, which has an online option. They cover various topics related to our life and book studies.


Koinonia is an adult Sunday School class offered on Sunday at 9 am in Felton Parlor, which has an online option. We study the Bible by reading and discussing.

Thursday Men’s Bible Study

This is a Bible study group for men meeting on Thursday at 9 am in Room 307.